We reviewed several different articles and interviewed representatives of battery factories. In general, the Li-ion battery, for example in this case, it can certainly be considered that the scooter and its batteries should be kept in a dry and warm room. A temperature of 10-20 Celsius is recommended. Store your scooter indoors.
Tukes (Finnish Agency for Safety and Chemicals) underlines the important attention on its website, focusing more closely only on battery storage. "The battery should not be left in cold storage. The battery also cannot withstand too much heat, such as a boiler room. Cold and humidity or even heat are damaging factors for lithium batteries" Superintendent Jukka Lepistö.
So stay inside. The electric scooter as a whole contains electrical connectors and other components that are much better in dry environments than in wet ones. It is occasionally wetter outside than inside. Which is why a stable space for storage is recommended. As such, staying indoors goes without saying, after all, you don't leave your mobile phone at the mercy of winter and rain. One clear reason is that cold and heat can cause the battery to drain, which changes the degree of charge. From time to time, the cold occasionally eats up the battery pretty quickly.
How to properly store lithium battery for a longer period of time, for the winter.
Battery safety. You should be charging at a 50% level. When you take care of this, the battery will work even after storage. You don't have to get a new battery; batteries are always expensive. Battery life, the battery retains its "stored" life. It is a good idea to check the download from time to time during storage. If the charge is idle less than 50%, please charge the battery to make 50% full again. For a long time, it is recommended that the battery be recharged at least every two months. Good quality and a safe battery hold its level relatively well.
For example, 100 when using batteries